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Lukashenko: Memory and truth about the Victory act as a shield against chaos and ideas of supremacy

10/05/2024 10:53

Memory and truth about the Great Victory act as a shield in the way of chaos and ideas of supremacy bent on world domination. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the ceremony held on 9 May to lay wreaths and flowers at the Victory Monument as part of the patriotic campaign “Belarus remembers!”, BelTA has learned.

The head of state reminded that the Victory over the Nazi had been secured by common efforts of all the peoples of the Soviet Union, who united against a common enemy. Tens of other nations fought with them against Hitler’s horde. Including nations of Europe and the United States of America. “And we haven’t forgotten it. We remember it well unlike they do,” the president remarked.

“Our memory and truth act as a reliable shield in the way of chaos and ideas of supremacy bent on world domination. They immunize us against false ideas and covert manipulations. They represent a beacon in the sea of challenges and threats of modern age,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “We didn’t bend the knee before the enemy back then and have no intention to bow to them today. The war taught Belarusians how to hold sacred the native land, protect it with their lives, and preserve memory about the heroic deeds of the ancestors. We will not allow a repeat of what they saw and lived through.”

The president remarked that young Belarusians are educated with examples of war heroes. It plays the key role in preserving the memory about the heroic deeds of the fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers. It is necessary to preserve this memory primarily in families. “Then no passing political considerations will be able to cancel out and weaken the spiritual unity of generations,” the head of state said. “Otherwise, talks about friendship and peace, about support of all the good things and opposition of all the bad things will make them and hence our future defenseless in the face of modern age threats.”


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