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Belarusian Information Ministry to stick to current strategy

13/06/2024 11:02

MINSK, 13 June (BelTA) – The Information Ministry will continue smoothly following the chosen development strategy, BelTA learned from the newly appointed Belarusian Information Minister Marat Markov.

Marat Markov stressed: “The policy the Information Ministry has been following for the last few years has been right. And I know rather well how this work proceeded and in what areas. This is why no revolution will definitely happen in this regard. We will continue doing completely smooth and persistent work.”

He has sufficient experience of work in television where he has worked for 13 years. “And I clearly understand what tasks need to be accomplished,” the official remarked. “This is why we are talking about persistent development further instead of staging some revolution and pretending that we work. We will do normal work.”

The information minister also stressed: “There are completely concrete strategic tasks. First of all we need to ensure full domination in our own information space, within Belarus. We have accomplished it to a certain degree primarily thanks to conventional mass media and to the great attention that is now paid to new media. And this work will continue.”


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